I'm in trouble

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 | |

My 9.5 month old baby girl is standing. That only means that in mere weeks or days, she will be walking. I'm not ready, the house is definitely not ready but I don't think she'll take no for an answer.
She's been grabbing anything within reach, be it my hand or the ottoman, and lifting herself up very well. But 3 days ago, she let go! For a second, she stood. She held her arms out trying to balance herself just before she plopped down onto her well insulated heiney. The next day, she tried again but this time she held herself up for about 2 seconds. And today, the third day, she stood what felt like eternity but probably just under a minute. I am so proud. She has been "talking" so much lately and eating so much better. I better get the house baby proofed before she starts running around chasing the cats and dog.

My baby is growing so fast.


asiangard said...

Uh oh!! It won't be long now!!!

Becki said...

Yikes! They do grow up so, so fast...

Anonymous said...

Yay! Horray for little Elle! Did she crawl at all? I know some kids just skip the whole crawling thing and go straight to lifting themselves up and walking. She'll be a cute walking little thing.

Steph said...

WTG Elle!

Could you please tell her to quit iming her future hubby and giving him ideas? Gabe is starting to stand on his own too :(

Anonymous said...

She may skip the crawling phase altogether- I've known several babies who have done that! Better start childproofing!

I put up gates in the kitchen and basically we don't have anything fragile around. No knick knacks. Outlets are strategically covered up with furniture. That way NJ can have free reign of the apartment and I don't have to watch his EVERY move.

Unknown said...

Elle's great at crawling and can move faster than me sometimes. She's doing better and better every day at standing on her own. I'm really proud and excited but scared shitless. At least I'll lose some weight chasing her down.

Unknown said...
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