Party planning is so much fun!

Thursday, May 15, 2008 | |

NOT! Isn't that just sad? It should be. Absolutely should be fun but as with most things in my life, I have to juggle two sides, my Korean family and my husband's cheapness! Ha ha, just kidding. A-man usually doesn't care how much I spend. Let me rephrase that, he ususally doesn't know how much I spend on anything but I do consult him on the big ticket items. Elle's birthday party is one of them.

I went today to reserve the room where we're having the party. It's part of a park district center but it's really nice. The building is surrounded by grassy green, a gazebo with 3 bridges leading to it and a super nice playground. and the room we're using has 2 gigantic windows looking over all this. I was so thrilled about FINALLY getting a room that once I booked it, I realized there is just so much detail to work out. Like for instance, drinks, plates, silverware, decorations, set-up, clean-up, and most importantly FOOD. My biggest concern was deciding on just where to get the food and all day I was planning to go with a variety of food but that just gave me more headaches so I decided on one place, Maggiano's! Who doesn't like Italian? Well, my mom but I can't please her on this one.

After that hurdle was crossed, I'm kinda panicking about how I'm going to serve it. Since it's going to be hot, I need to keep it hot and to rent those chafing dishes is like $30 per set and I need like 5!!!! So that's not going to happen. So I guess I'll just use the aluminum trays that the food will come in and put candles under it. So not how I pictured it in my head but my head is not in sync with my finances so that's that.

I ordered two picture collages today to display at the party so hopefully those will be all the decoration I need with a few balloons here and there.

But I still need some kind of entertainment. Oye Vey. I think I'm going to hold off on celebrating traditions for a while, a long, long while.


Anonymous said...

Mmm, Maggianos!

Anonymous said...

I could come be your DJ....wicky wicky wicky

Jess said...

How about karaoke? Videotaped and youTubed.

Jenn said...

Wow! That's a bigger birthday party than I've ever had! Glad the plans are coming together. Sounds like it will be a very fun time!

I <3 Italian!

Unknown said...

The Koreans do love Karoke! I'll see about that one but keep the suggestions coming!

Anonymous said...

Second the Karoke!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you found a place! Wish I was there to help, but I know you will pull it off fabulously! The stress though... ugh!

Entertainment... are you talking about kid, or adult entertainment?

Unknown said...

entertainment for the kids. I know elle would love to see a light show of something but I was going to go with balloons. I think I'll just keep it simple since I'm already using a big room in a nice park setting.