
Friday, June 6, 2008 | |

I really love breastfeeding. I used to think that I'd hate it because I used to sexualize the breast and thought that I wouldn't be able to do it mentally but once Elle was born it was second nature and now it's the greatest thing.
Having said that, sometimes I want nothing to do with it because since 5 months or shall I say, since she started teething, it's been horrible at times because of the biting. But even while complaining and bitching, I never really thought about giving it up.

So here comes the dilemma, Elle will be turning one in a month. My mom and her generation (including my aunts) are adamant that I stop breastfeeding at one year. They've been telling me since 6 months that there's no nutrition in breast milk after the first 6 months. Of course I ignore them and of course I will continue to do so but it's such a PAIN IN THE ASS to have to hear her nag about breastfeeding. I don't really plan on weaning until she's at least 18 months but will do it until 2 years if she doesn't self wean before 24 months.

The real problem is that she doesn't eat solids. She'll eat a bite or two but not enough to be full and when she's tired, you can't get a spoon anywhere near her or she'll swat it full force.

I do plan on giving her whole milk after she turns one and I really hope that she likes it enough to drink it during the day with her food. Only time will tell, she's really healthy so I'm not worried but it makes me want to spend less time with my mom because of the nagging. I'd hate to do that but it's better than arguing or just listening to her bitch and nag for hours.


Jess said...

It sucks to have to limit your time with family because they can't just let you be a mother to your baby. I've had to limit time with my grandparents and aunts for just that reason, since the gentle, "Thanks but this is what's best for us" wasn't working.

What most women of past generations in our families don't seem to understand is that a whole lot has been studied and changed since they raised their kids. They're basing their advice on old wives' tales and what was "known" to be true at the time. My grandparents thought it'd be okay to give Ben coffee in his bottle, let him suck on cheetos and that, with enough exposure, he'd "get over" his allergies (which is why I started limiting our time) and wouldn't stop razzing me about it.

You can take solace (wow, new agey creepy) in knowing that you're doing what's best for your baby and, if you decide to wean for whatever reason, it'll be your reason, not theirs. No matter what your mom says, in the end, you're the one who knows what's best for Elle and you.

Jenn said...


Can you firmly tell your family members that you heard them the first 1,000,000 times, thank them for their input, and then tell them to zip it? Seriously your baby, your body, your decision. People who foist their "beliefs" on others like that make my blood boil. Especially when they are soooo very wrong!

I say ignore the fool out of them and do what you know to be best!

As far as solids, Sweet Pea is still getting used to them too. I need to work with her more, but I figure when she's ready she'll get the hang of it. Would offering tiny little bites of really soft stuff like banana and avacado work if she could feed herself?

Unknown said...

thanks girls. I completely agree with both of you. I would never listen to what they say if I didn't agree, that's half of why we butt heads because I never listen:)!! But it's just so annoying to deal with EVERY FREAKING TIME i see them. but if it wasn't for breastfeeding, it'll be the way I dress her or the way I style her hair or something absolutely ridiculous like that. I will never win with my mom even if I AM RIGHT!

Anonymous said...

I think whatever you decide should not be based on your relatives nagging! It does not look like Elle is lacking in the growing dept so I wouldn't worry too much about her not taking solids yet, but keep trying! Keep trying new things- at this age you can expose her to spices, herbs, whatever to make the food taste more interesting. NJ loves Korean soup and rice the best.

Mrs. Red said...

ITA w/ everyone else. Don't even contemplate basing your decision on family opinion. You have always done what you felt best, and you're doing fabulous! Follow your heart.

Amy Anderson said...

My mom told me this weekend that it's "gross" to breastfeed after a year. Nice.

Also, a friens's husband was incredulous that I'm still bf'ing at almost 7 months. Really??

Do what feels right for you. Fuck 'em if they can't handle it.

Tiffany said...

I think you're doing awesome! I can understand how it would get wearing when that is the topic of conversation every single time!

To continue on BF'ing especially with Elle teething is incredible! I think it's great that you continue to BF!!

We're rooting for you!