Fancy pants

Monday, June 9, 2008 | |

So for those of you who remember when I was going nuts trying to tackle yeast from my baby's bottom, well it was misdiagnosed. I'm not sure if I ever followed up here but a week and a half after I was told that it was a yeast infection and to apply athelete's foot medicine on my baby's crotch, I found out that it wasn't yeast after all. After applying this foot cream on her bum liberally, I was told to try something else by concerned moms so I called the doctor back and she wasn't available so I had to go see another doctor. He told me that it couldn't be a yeast infection and it looked like just a regular allergic reaction to possibly her diaper. Her diaper? The diaper that I've been using part of the day since birth? YUP! Apparently they can develop an allergy at any time.

So off I went to Whole paycheck, I mean Whole Foods and bought the 365 brand chlorine free diapers which by the way is completely white so how could it be chlorine free? Anyways, it was slightly cheaper than the seventh generation brand so I just picked up 2 bags (60 pieces) and a slew of calendula based diaper creames, lotions, and soaps.

In one day the rash that was on her belly disappeared. The following couple of days, the rash on the crotch, gone! and now about 2 weeks later, the worst part, her butt area, all better! When I went back to WF the other day to pick up another pack of diapers, they didn't have any 365 brand so I had to buy the more expensive seventh generation brand and I'm glad I did. They are awesome!! The fit is great, the "velcro" closure is so elastic and wide and it's really chlorine free, i.e. it's natural color, not white. She still has a little "scaring" from the really bad rash and once that's completely healed, I'm going back to cloth diapers. That and the fact that she's been getting used to the potty will help us save money since I don't think I'll risk using Huggies ever again or any other diapers that have bleach, coloring (which came off on her onesies), fragrance, and God knows what other toxins they use that made my baby's butt look like it was attacked by a family of ring worms.

I did an extended amount of research and was the cheapest but at more than DOUBLE the cost of huggies, I'm so glad that we're mostly a cloth diapering family.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got to the "bottom" of this issue! What a relief!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you figured it out! I cannot believe that the other doc diagnosed it as yeast. I was going to start cloth diapering NJ at around 12 months but then he poops way too much so I figured I can't keep up with that.

Lauren said...

I wanted to try CD, too. Maybe I will try it over the summer when I don't have to work.
I have also wanted to try 7thG diapers--thanks for the review! :-)
I am glad Little Miss' bottom is on the mend.

Tiffany said...

Thank goodness! I'm glad you got it figured out!

W/ the cost of diapers I wish I was a SAHM and able to try CD. I never thought I'd say that but I'm seriously tempted!