First night out

Sunday, June 1, 2008 | |

I went out for the first time in a year by myself, I mean without baby! My friend Robin was having a birthday party so I decided to go. I wasn't sure if I'd make it since it all depended on if I could put Elle to sleep before I snuck out. My other friend Angela met me outside of the bar to go together. Angel, Robin and I went to high school together but I haven't spoken to Robin in over 10 years but she moved to the neighborhood where my business is located and we met up about 3 years ago and kept in touch.

I was so nervous about leaving my baby for the first time and worried about her every minute. I guess I worried more about how A-man would deal if she had woken up. Just after I went into the bar and said hi to Robin, I realized I had left my phone in the car and went back to get it and noticed that I had missed a call from A-man. That immediately gave me a little panic attack but I didn't run home when he didn't answer the phone because if something was up, he would have left me a message.

When I went back in, another friend that I knew from a friend of a friend also from high school came up and said hi. I was kinda surprised to see her there because I didn't know that she was friends with Robin but it turns out that they had met about 5 months ago and are madly in love now and even exchanged rings. I'm so happy for them, I've known both of them for a long time and they are both really smart and awesome. It's really funny how small the world is and how things happen just when they are supposed to happen because I'm sure I've partied with both of the girls together at some point but I guess they never met each other officially til recently.

Anyways, I only stayed out for a short while. Had one beer and a cranberry juice to wash it down with and went back home JUST before Elle woke up. Great timing!! But I was relieved that I was there to comfort her back to sleep and A-man was more than happy to have babysat a sleeping baby.:) I guess that only means that he'd be willing to let me go out again! Yay!! :)


Anonymous said...

Glad you got out and enjoyed yourself. Sounds like fun! I'm still waiting for the day that I get some ME time.

Mrs. Red said...

That's awesome! Go you! And yay to A-man!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!
