A good day

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 | |

I made baby dinner AND she ate it. Emphasis on the AND part cuz I do make her food, she just doesn't eat it. Plus my husband did the dishes afterwards while I put her to bed.

How fucking awesome is that?

I have been feeling so shitty lately cuz I never make her anything because the few times I have, she wouldn't eat it. So today, I made soup with rice, organic chicken, carrots, celery, green pepper, onions and squash with herbs and seasoning and when it was done, I pureed it. It actually tastes pretty good and I got her to eat a very good portion, more than she has ever eaten. I just hope she doesn't get sick of eating it cuz I made enough for a small army.


Anonymous said...

I love that 11 month picture on the side w/ her hair up and to the side like that, kind of looks like you spiked it. Did you guys shave her hair?
