My favorite picture

Sunday, June 15, 2008 | |

This picture is one of my favorites from my child hood. We used to hang out by the ocean and the mountains a lot and I used to always get in trouble and scrape my knee and legs a lot. A Whole Lot as you can see in the picture.

The one with the short hair on the bottom, that's me, yup, the one that looks like a boy with all the iodine covered cuts and bruises.


Amy Anderson said...

That "beach" looks super uncomfortable...

Unknown said...

Ha, ha. yeah, it's not quite what we're used to here. That picture was taken in Korea where I was born. I didn't even realize that it was all rocks:)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that picture looks vintage. hee hee. Rocked beaches are usually found on rivers. ;)


Anonymous said...

your poor legs!

Mrs. Red said...

Ouchie!! You're so cute.

Becki said...

Very cute picture. You all look so very happy :)

Anonymous said...

this is the best picture ever!!!
you are the cutest. we would have been great friends.