Dol-picking game

Tuesday, July 1, 2008 | |

I wrote about this before but I'll explain it again. During the baby's first b-day party called Dol, they play a little game, mainly to appease the parents, where they are given items that represent their future. For example, items like thread (symbolizing long life), pen (symbolizing scholars), stethscope ( doctor) etc are placed in front of the baby and which ever one that they pick will represent what they will become when they grow up.

For Elle's Dol, instead of putting actual items on the table, I put pictures of them on a card and laid it out in front of her. The pictures I put out were:
microphone (entertainer)
red cross symbol (ngo)
book and pen (writer)
stethoscope (doctor)
gavil (judge)
presidential symbol (president)

guess what she picked?

can you see it? she picked the presidental symbol.
We'll see what happens. She sure does have a magnetic personality. You never know! :)


Jenn said...

Awww!!! Happy Birthday sweet girl!!!

Julie, you look great!

Hmmmmm, President, she just might get my vote!

Mrs. Blevins said...

I would so vote for Miss Ella! She's adorable. I can't believe how much more grown up she looks in her one year picture than she does in her 11 months picture!

Amy Anderson said...

Woot! I like a girl with high aspirations!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! That is definitely a first for a dol pick. LOL!