The forever project

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 | |

I started this about 2 months ago and I FINALLY finished it yesterday and it's not even really finished. I still have to add a molding stripe on top to match the door frames and touch up on the black paint. But here's my chalkboard in my kitchen for baby to draw on (when she can) and for me to keep organized with a permanent 3 month calendar. If I could do it all over again, I'd save some space for a "shopping list" and a recipe section but all in all, I'm very proud and happy with it. Everyone should have a chalkboard in their house, it's so awesome being able to freely write on your walls and it looks great too.


Unknown said...

I LOVE it!!!! What a great idea! And I have cute little visions of her drawing on it while you cook dinner.

I say we plan a playdate where you come by my house and I'll play with the girls while get to work on my kitchen chalkboard. :)


Unknown said...

Diana- that's because you think watching Elle would be easier than painting the walls, I wish! I mean, sure, we'll be right over. ha ha ha

Unknown said...

That is too cool! Did you use chalkboard paint over that section of wall or did you make an overlay?

And does chalkboard paint come in blue?

Unknown said...

Su, I bought this ridiculously expensive blackboard paint online. then I went into home depot and found one from rustoleum and it comes in black and tintable. I bought just the tintable one and got navy blue which came out almost black on top of the black background, so took half of it back and asked them to add some white and I got almost a sky blue and then I made the other 2 colors from the other half that I had. So yes it comes in blue and even though the black section is a different brand and much more expensive, it writes and erases better so I'm not upset for paying more for that. The part that took forever was painting the squares because you have to tape them in sections and wait til it dries, then remove tape (not too fast or you'll rip out the paint) and don't reuse (dont ask, just don't reuse painters blue tape)

Anonymous said...

seriously. can i hire you to remodel our place when we buy??

Jess said...


SO awesome!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is so awsesome. And it looks huge! I bet your daughter is going to LOVE it!

Jenn said...

You my dear are amazing! I love all the blue shades! Isn't it funny how something so pretty can come about even when it wasn't what we planned!

Anonymous said...

That is seriously the coolest thing ever. You rock, Martha.