Too much time on my hands

Sunday, July 27, 2008 | |

I feel like I have too much time when it comes to sitting on my ass in front of the computer but I never have enough time to cook and clean. I had big plans for today, exercise, clean, laundry, cook, shower, and nap. So far, I did get the living room vacuumed and my bedroom reorganized but I just shoved everything into the dining room and it'll all eventually just end up in the basement. and that's a whole different animal I have to tackle someday. My basement is one big storage room for now and I really would like to organize it so I could at least access my exercise machine without possibly dieing from falling.

Story of my life.

But the second I have a minute to myself, when baby takes a nap, I prop myself in front of the computer and waste time. I actually have shit I need to get done online as well but all I end up doing is chatting on a mommmy forum that I set up and had to redo cuz it wouldn't work as of yesterday. So I spent all morning creating another one so I can chat with my friends. Speaking of which, do you want to join? Send me a comment with your email address (I won't publish the email addresses) and I'll send you the link. I don't want to post it here because I have enemies that will register just to spy on me. It's so fun to have enemies, isn't it? Ha!!

Anywho, I'm going to go clean now and try to make a pathway from my dining room to the kitchen since I just push things out of one room into another until I have to actually put it away in the last room. Am I the only one that does that? Its the ultimate sign of laziness but as least the room that is cleared out looks good:)


Anonymous said...

I never do what I am supposed to be doing. Sadly, cleaning is always my last priority. I could have written that post-- except for the part about enemies. I have no enemies. Everybody loves me. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL I SO know exactly what you mean.


Mrs. Red said...

HA! I am the QUEEN of "cleaning" by moving things from one room to another. You're definitely not the only one.