Fuck you, DVR!

Friday, August 8, 2008 | |

Do you know how critical the last 5 minutes of a show is? Why can't you record on time of the show and end when the show ends? You fucking bastard. I don't have much time to watch television. I watch 2 shows a week and just because the show got pushed back because of the fucking NFL doesn't mean that you can't digitally figure out what time the show ends?? Arggghhhhh, it's so frustrating. and I can't even say which program it is because I'm too embarrased to admit that I watch this show. I have to hover over the television to even listen to the show so I don't wake up my baby in the middle of the night.

ok, maybe I'll admit it. I've been secretly obsessed with....

So you think you can dance. I fucking love that show. I love dance and this group was just amazing and I love each and everyone of the top 10. I haven't seen the show since the first season but now that I have DVR I can record and watch only the shows that I like and the stupid DVR always misses the last few minutes of a show and usually reality shows or finales of any show goes a few minutes later anyways. You would think I would have learned my lesson and program it to record after the show ends but I don't have time think that far in advance when I watch 2 fucking shows a week.

Anyways, I like this group so much I even looked into buying tickets for the tour (I can't believe I'm writing this) but the main, good seats are sold out. I can't believe it and I don't think I'm willing to pay that much if my seat isn't awesome.

oh, so now you know what a fucking dork I really am.

but now that I admitted it, does anyone that live in Chicago want to go with me? My friends would laugh me out if I asked them so don't tell them. shhhh!


Anonymous said...

So You Think You Can Dance....hmmm!
Youre not a dork! I am ashamed to say that I, too, am a reality show fan. Project Runway and Top Chef are my guilty pleasures!
Fuckin DVR!!!

Anonymous said...

I love that show too! We don't even get the basic channels anymore but I try to find little clips on youtube.

Do you dance?

Unknown said...

After I wrote this post, I realized just how lucky I am to even own a DVR and be able to afford it but like all things, if you pay for it, you kinda expect it to work well so that's my gripe. It's a love/hate relationship, like my marriage :) hee hee.

I actually love all reality shows, well except for those stupid shows that just glorifies hooking up.

Lindsay, I do not dance and shouldn't for the sake of others but I'm thinking of taking up a hip hop class next year.

Mrs. Red said...

Oh I HATE that. But you CAN program it to record longer if you want. Shouldn't take you long if you only record 2 shows. ;)

I've had that happen to me though with Grey's Anatomy and one or two other before....and my eyes almost jump out of my head and I gasp in horror so hard I suck all the air out of the room. I'm sitting there on the edge of my seat wondering how the episode will end, and BAM!...."Recording over...would you like to delete or replay??" What.the.FUCK?? I hit the roof.

So yeah...I feel your pain. LOL