Why do I read the news?

Thursday, August 14, 2008 | |

I always hate what I find.



Anonymous said...

OMG! How does this happen? At what point do you go from having babies to locking them up and piling up trash to the point where you have anthills in your bed and roaches in the fridge...DISTURBING!

Anonymous said...

ugh, CNN is the worst, too. I hate how they go for shock entertainment values rather than just giving us useful and important information.

For example: One of CNN's top headlines today- "Is that Bigfoot's carcass in the freezer?" Come on. If that is among the top headlines of one of our nation's top news agencies, then there really is nothing going on in this world, or news is starting to turn into entertainment.

Nathan likes to read financial times (ft.com) and wall street journal (wsj.com). They seem to be more focused on real news.