
Friday, September 26, 2008 | |

I had to go on a mission with a friend to get these special cupcakes from a bakery in Lincoln Park. She came to visit from Virgina over the weekend and her husband made her promise to get him a cupcake that they only make called "The Ron Bennington, I have my own cupcake"-cupcake. Yes, that's the complete name and it's made of chocolate cake, peanut-butter-butterscotch filling, chocolate ganache, and crushed butterscotch topping. It was freakin' fantastic. He's some radio jockey or something and so before her flight we had to go to Lincoln Park. Lincoln Park is a trendy, yuppie part of town which I never go to cuz I hate trendy, Yuppies and there's no parking. NONE! But since we were on a mission and had to go there, we decided to go to the zoo that is also in Lincoln Park, aptly called The Lincoln Park Zoo.

I'm not a zoo person. Not because I don't love animals but because I do. I don't like seeing animals in captivity and it breaks my heart to see them in cages and/or captivity in general. There was a monkey, holding her baby and just sleeping and being a mom, I know I wouldn't want to be bothered while holding my new baby to sleep. But I must say, at the barn, I fell hard in love with these new piglets that were born just 3 weeks ago. If you know me, you know how much I love pigs. All kinds and as animals, not meat. I haven't had pork in over 18 years. Nor beef for that matter.

Someday I'm going to live on a farm and take in unwanted, injured pigs and let them live a easy happy life on my farm.

Well, I was surprised to see that Eleanor really didn't care much about the animals. She was more busy picking up dirt and walking around. She calls all animals "Mah" which stands for Madison, our fearless guard dog. yeah right, she wouldn't attack a rabbit if it bit her on the nose. Here she is pretending to not have anything in her mouth so I don't take it away from her. By the way, she's a Pit bull/rottweiler mix, two of the most vicious dogs out there, NOT! It's all on the way you raise them.

So back to the zoo, Elle did enjoy these bronze monkeys. She hung out there the most and kissed them and hugged them before going for the dirt. But at least she spent some time hanging out with them before playing with dirt.

I'm not sure if I'll go back. It's just more depressing to me than anything. Watching people tap on the glass to get the animals attention. Watching the animals try to hide in a corner so they aren't bothered. I know or hope that some of them were rescued and they've only lived in captivity and can't live in the wild again but it's still sad for me. But when Elle is old enough to know better and wants to go to the zoo, I will most definitely oblige. It just won't be too often. (But I might have to go back soon to go see my little piglets).


Amy Anderson said...

I just love her arm rolls.

KP said...

Your dog is sooooo cute! I've got a German Shepard, Lab, Rott mix and I agree totally...it is definately how you raise them!