I think she's teething. She woke up after a nap SCREAMING!! at the top of her lungs and was inconsolable. I knew that if I stuck a boob in her mouth she would stop but I wanted her to calm down and tell me that she wanted it instead of "rewarding" her crazy behaviour with what she wanted. She finally did calm down and in between huffing and puffing, she asked.
We converted her crib to a daybed. We just removed one rail and reinforced it with a conversion kit. She hated it. She loved the fact that she could climb on and off it easily but I think it freaked her out a bit. I actually like it cuz I can put her to sleep and put my head right next to her until she falls asleep. I don't think crib tents would work because Eleanor is such a light sleeper that if I put her down and try to fuss with the tent, she will undoubtly wake up. She wakes up from the sound of me snapping my nursing bra back into place so there's no way I have any room for other noise. You should see the circus act I do in order to get out of her room quietly in our old creaky house, you'd die laughing.
11 months after I bought an elliptical machine we finally put the cable line next to it in the basement today so I could watch TV while exercising. Ok, so it is a load of crap excuse for why I haven't used the machine in 11 months but I hate exercising and the only thing to do in the dark basement is to watch TV and since it's not hooked up upstairs in our house, I can finally catch up on some good ol' quality TV time. Oh and maybe lose some baby weight for once.
I've also been cleaning. I take my hat off to any mom that can keep their house clean or semi clean, make meals, AND take care of their children. I can't do any of those things. I just spend every waking moment with Eleanor and she doesn't let me do things without getting involved. i.e. If I need to do the dishes, she'll grab everything I put in there or try to stand on the door of the dishwasher both of which are nasty. If I want to cook, she'll grab onto the oven handle and climb up so she can be face to face with the hot surface only to wave her hand and say "Hot, Hot". If I want to fold laundry, she'll grab all the folded clothes and toss them or drag them all over the house. She's very independent but she just wants me to be in the same room. She doesn't even hang out with me but even if one leg is over the baby gate, she freaks out.
So anyways, I've been much better at getting things put away right then and there so it doesn't collect. Most of the days, all the surface of my kitchen counter top, dining room table and all the dressers have piles of shit on top of them. We run out of dishes and utensils constantly. I might have to hire a nanny just to watch Eleanor so I can clean my house. How pathetic is that?
Maybe I should go use that elliptical machine since I finally got A-man to put the cable line near it and baby is sleeping for now. we'll see...
Busy Day
Sunday, November 16, 2008 | at 8:26 PM |
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i totally know what you mean about TV and exercise. I get BORED when I'm trying to exercise. It's like torture even walking outside. I get restless, thinking how much longer?
The only way I can get any work done in the kitchen is I have it gated off and it's off limits to NJ! Sure he whines sometimes and clings to it when I'm in there but for the most part he is OK with it. I also cycle out his toys every now and then so that there isn't that much to clean up and it keeps his interest.
Given a choice, I'd hire someone to clean over a nanny. If I'm going to spend the money, I'd rather spend the time it gives me to play rather than to do housework!
Of course, I suck as a housekeeper. I can sweep the floors and keep some things relatively tidy, but the work stuff like mopping floors and scrubbing the toilet? Not so much.
Housekeeping is overrated!! or so I tell myself anyway :)
I'm glad she's adjusting to her daybed, I keep wondering when P will finally accomplish the inevitable. She keeps swinging one leg over... it's a long way down and scares me to death!
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