Thank you

Wednesday, November 26, 2008 | |

Life has been such a blessing and I need to remember to be grateful all the time. I get caught up being angry with people or frustrated about certain daily things and it's not worth it. None of it. My life has been blessed with healthy parents, a great relationship with my awesome husband who is an even better father than I could have ever hoped for, and the best daughter in the world.

I must admit that I was hoping to be pregnant and believed it with all my heart and soul but it isn't happening. I just got my period yesterday night and so we'll try again next month. But it's ok because with A-man tending to baby at nights, I started to exercise and I really could use this time to get healthy before being pregnant again since I'm so close to being too old to have a "normal" birth due to my age. But I'm thankful that I can and I know I will because I just feel it and we couldn't be in a better place to have another baby in our lives. A-man and I have been together for 10 years and we've had many ups and downs but I believe all those experiences has gotten us stronger and closer.

I've seen some HORRIBLE news in the world and I dont even want to link the news feeds here because it'll ruin your day. I need to stop reading the news because it makes me lose hope in humanity. Plus a blog that I follow just found out that she has Stage 3 Sinus Cancer and she has a 3 year old son and it breaks my heart that she has to go through this. I know millions of people all over the world are struggling with poor health, financial problems, starvation, and lack of the basic needs but I sit here and all I can say is Thank you. Thank God for all my blessings and for helping me be aware of my blessings. I will start being more conscious in letting go of the little things that irritate me or frustrates me because at the end of the day, they don't matter.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone and Thank you for your support and kind words or thoughts with this blog.


Anonymous said...

You're right--we are all very lucky to have what we have. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tiffany said...

It is a crazy world out there isn't it? All we can do is stay focused on our babies and show them ways to make our own little corner a little brighter.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

You're right. It is a time to be positive and thankful. No bad energy tomorrow - I'll try to promise myself. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

We're hoping to be pregnant soon, too. How fun would it be if we were due with baby #2 at the same time?

Anonymous said...

So true, we have much to be thankful for.
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!