I'll be participating in a small yet awesome craft fair this weekend in Chicago. It's called Depart-ment and it's set up like a store where all the items are categorized with one central check out line. It makes shopping at a craft fair so much easier. Oh yeah, and it's indoors!!
I had a ton of inventory from my craft fair this summer since it got rained out and hardly anyone showed up. I like using non conventional materials like vinyl and other synthetic materials. It's hard to come by but when I see it, I go crazy for it usually not knowing if my machine can handle it. Most are listed in my shop, some not but I'm hoping that I'll get some exposure this weekend and maybe sell an item or two or all (a girl can dream right?:)
I put some pictures up on my craft blog if you want to check it out and I'm also planning to do a giveaway once a year or more depending on my mood and budget;). Maybe I should do a giveaway for Christmas, hmmm.
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Monday, December 1, 2008 | at 12:57 AM |
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