I'm back

Saturday, October 10, 2009 | |

really!! am back. I'm in Arizona right now visiting my sister who is away on her own family vacation until Tuesday, don't ask. So why did I come here? Well, I've been living without a complete bathroom for the last few months and I decided that it needed to get done NOW and the only way that was going to happen was if we were out of the house. My mom's house is on the market AND I don't really want to stay with her and listen to her criticism of my parenting style so with a 6 week old and a rambunctious 2 year old, I got on a 4 hour flight to Phoenix.

I've missed my blogs and reading other blogs and just having the moment to collect my thoughts. I'm not sure when we canceled our internet service at home but we just got it back the other day. I had canceled it to save money because AT&T was getting most of it with our phone service!! But I have internet on it so I thought I could save money by cutting out internet on our real computer. But there was no way I was going to blog from my phone. The internet is never realiable on that phone and it crashed all the time and after one too many crashes after having typed something on my phone, I just couldn't deal with that stress.

So when i go back home (after a month) I'll have internet again! YAY!!!!!

So there's so much to tell you all and so little time. I'm slowly adjusting to having two children, not very well but adjusting. the politically correct word to describe Eleanor is "spirited" but it's just a nice way of saying, crazeeee wild!! She is extremely social, friendly, curious, active, and down right wild. For example, during gymnastics classs last week before coming to phoenix, the teacher wanted the children to get in a line and run to their parents on the opposite end of the mat. So I stand Eleanor on the line and when they started running, she ran to some random mom and from her, one by one, hugged every other mom on the line, I think about 10 moms. Who does that????

Anyways, she's a handful to say the least and I'm afraid to admit that I am losing patience with her. When I was pregnant with her, we cursed out day care and preschool and even considered homeschooling, now after 27 months, I'm kicking myself for missing out on sending her to our local daycare! I know its because I have Abigail to take care of and was just too tired this past year to deal with her and if I hadn't been pregnant and Eleanor was an only child things would have been different. But the fact of the matter is, I have to deal with it and I am sad to say that I don't do it very well most of the time. I try to remind myself to breathe before reacting but most of the time, I just end up screaming at her. I feel like shit even admitting it.



KP said...

First of all, YAY!!!!! YOU'RE BACK!!!! I have missed you terribly and am soooooo happy that I decided to click on your blog just to check if there have been any updates. Hooray for internet!

Okay, I understand about why you would rather be in your sister's empty house rather than your mother's.

Eleanor sounds so cute! Full of personality...it's a good thing, trust me. It is very hard to handle with another child though, I understand that too. Part time at a good pre-school/daycare can be beneficial for both of you. You can have some one on one bonding time with Abigail, and she can socialize with little ones her age. It will also give you a break from eachother. Something that you need once in a while. Don't feel guilty. It's normal.