eek a mouse

Sunday, January 31, 2010 | |

I've lived Chicago for 26 years now and I have never had a mouse in my house.. until now. and I HATE IT!! oh wait, I just remembered, I had found a dead mouse in my closet in high school but I guess I repressed it since I never really saw it live.

So about a month ago, we heard a mouse so we went out and got a no kill trap. I didn't like the idea of killing it. So we caught it and let it out in the alley, first dumb mistake. A week or two later, there was another mouse or more and we caught it again and walked it down into the forest preserve and let it out and thought we were in the clear, NOT. Now it or they are too smart for the trap and isn't going near it or A-man thinks there are babies and it's too light to set off the trap since the food was gone. and I keep seeing it running around at night. Just typing this is freaking the shit out of me. So we went out and got poison and it's suppose to kill it in 4-5 days and it's been like a week and a half and the little fucker is still running around my house. I did a major cleaning last week and I'll do it again this week and I'm just so freaked out.

While nursing Abby to sleep I saw it in my bedroom and that was the last straw and I went out and got those snap shut, old school, traps and put 4 of them out so we'll see if they are gone. If that doesn't work, I think I'm going to get some cats next week. I've always had cats in this house and this is the first winter without cats so I guess I never realized that they were just being killed by them. Oh how I miss my cats now more than ever.

Die little fucker, DIE!!


KP said...

Yeah, poison is not the best because sometimes it takes them a while to die, and when they do, they wander off and you don't know where they just smell the rotting stench of them:( Kill them!

Joyce said...

I hate them too!! Seriously, they make me cry and it's not like I mean to...

When we had them, we used poison and those glue traps. I couldn't even stand to see them when they were caught. I would run upstairs and hubby would dispose of them.

If you ever see how they are coming in, people say to use steel wool to block the hole/opening.

Good luck!

Tiffany said...

Ewww! I am right there with you sister. I can't stand them!! I am totally okay with the kill traps though...

Unknown said...

EWWWW!! This is EXACTLY why we have cats. We live right next to a field and I cannot STAND rodents of any kind. I'm ok with pets...but running around my house? NO THANK YOU!