Time Management

Saturday, January 16, 2010 | |

I sure know how to waste a lot of time. Time I do not have. I need to learn to use my hour or two at nights after the house goes to sleep more productively. But for some reason the time I spend on the computer seems to go the fastest. I've been working on my hydroxide shop on etsy. I haven't done much with it for about a year, maybe more, but I really want to get it going and start being more creative and productive. I've become friends with someone that is amazingly talented and we are going to collaborate on the design of the bags. I'll make them and she is going to paint a picture on the front. I can't wait to get my end done so we can get together to plan out what she wants to add to it. I'm really excited about this new venture but even if it doesn't happen, the bags that I've made so far are really great and I'm really proud of them and can't wait to show them off. My goal is to get some bags completed by the end of the month to showcase Valentines day. Crossing my fingers!!