Two and a half

Monday, January 4, 2010 | |

That's how old Eleanor is now. She is growing like a weed and as much as I hate to admit it, she is learning so much from the television. She's counting to 10 and singing the alphabet song (albeit, not in order) and just talking up a storm. You can tell that everything I've ever said to her is finally registering and she's able to verbalize it. Like for instance, today she started saying, "no biting, no pushing kids" and kept repeating it just like I used to say it months ago, probably about 6 months ago since she has pretty much stopped biting and pushing kids back then. But she still remembers and it's damn cute. Plus, every time we drive by the hospital where I delivered both babies, she'll say, "mommy hurt (pointing to the hospital) and then something about Abigator (her nickname for the baby)". It's amazing how she remembered and since she wasn't able to verbalize it back then when it happened, she's remembering it now. Unfortunately that also means that she remembers swear words that my husband has blurted out and without missing a beat, a couple of times when I had to stop the car real fast, she shouted "Fuck!" I guess I have to give her props for knowing exactly when to use the word cuz she has never said it at home or playing with friends (thank goodness).

so the moral of the story is ALWAYS be careful what you say in front of your children because even if you say it when they are not able to repeat after you, they will someday in the future.

and one more, I was talking to A-man in the car today and Eleanor proclaimed "I knew it" from her car seat. I don't even know where that one came from but I love hearing her say new sentences. That's her very lastest but more recently, she's picked up "what's up?" and "No way". But to show you how well she turned out, no matter if she's in the middle of a tantrum or not, she will ALWAYS say "Thank you (although it's usually immediately followed by "Welcome" when we do or give her something.

I love that little stinker!!


KP said...

Happy two and a half, Elle! :)