Sunday, April 11, 2010 | |

Knowing that organic food is an option, it's really hard for me to buy regular when I have an option. Yes cost is an option for me but somethings override my need to be cheap, my babies for one thing. Now that Abby has strted eating solids, I've been trying to buy her some different veggies to make but it's really hard for me to go grocery shopping. I usually get my staples at costco and send A-man out for things that are not available at costco. But the problem is that he hates whole foods and I don't like them much either. So I've been ordering here and there from a local organic company, Freshpicks, that delivers but I have been disappointed lately. They use local farms when they can I think but they also just use corporate organic companies like driscoll and earthbound that supplies most organic produce in the country. So the next option is to buy into a Community Shared Agriculture (CSA). I've been thinking about it since last year when I first heard of it but I was pregnant and barely cooking so I didn't want to participate but this year I'm ready. I'm still trying to decide which company to use, fortunately I have several options and can't wait. I have wasted veggies that I got from freshpicks since I wasn't used to cooking it but I'm really going to try to be good about using everything I get from my CSA and or at least give it away so it doesn't go to waste.

If you have a CSA available to you which you probably do, you should definitely think of supporting them. It doesn't cos much morethan whole foods costs and I think it ends up being cheaper. And it'll definitely make you eat your veggies!!


Radiomom Rhetoric said...

I am having my hubby install me a garden of my own this year. It is half way built and I am so thrilled with the possibilities! The rest, I am going to try and get from the farmers market and this local farm who raises grass fed beef. I am excited about this!!

asiangard said...

I get half off ours because we meet the income guidelines. I got so many fresh veggies last year!

Tiffany said...

Very interesting, I don't even know if we have that around here. We probably do and I haven't even looked into it. We're babystepping it right now - fresh fruits and veggies first, transitioning away from the boxed/canned ugly stuff ;)

Proud of you lady! You're an inspiration.

(P.S. - are you going to be in STL over Mother's Day? B/c if you are I will be THRILLED!! So will everyone else, they've said so. I miss you!)