I'm such a bad mom

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 | |

to my furbabies. I used to be that tyrant asshole who would curse people out who wanted to get rid of their pets after they moved or had a child. I used to sit and read those "to a good home" ads on craigslist and write a long reply on why that person was a sick bastard for trying to re-home their pet.

That was all before I had my own baby. I still think it's asinine to get rid of a pet because you moved and the new landlord didn't allow pets. Isn't that something you look into before you sign the damn lease! Or the other big thing is "I developed allergies all of a sudden or my new boy/girlfriend moved in and has allergies". You shouldn't get pets if you have allergies AND for the most part, a person can get rid of their allergies if they are exposed to the allergen for a period of time. I suffered through about 3 months of allergies after we got our cats but it went away.

Anyways, the point of all this is that I am a big fat hypocrite. Not that I would ever place one of those ads but I have thought about sending off our pets to a good home on more than one occasion. I did give one of our 3 cats to our grandparents because 1. they asked for him, but 2. he was the dirtiest cat ever and kept sneaking into Elle's crib to sleep. He was by far the friendliest cat ever but from the beginning he has had cleanliness issues, from not going into the litter box to never cleaning himself. Anyways, I wouldn't just give him to anyone. A-mans mom wanted to take him to his grandparents house. Initially I said no but when Momo started going into the crib, I jumped at the chance.

I know, that was pretty mean of me but like I said, I don't mind giving them away to family.

So the next big presence is my beloved dog. I've always had a little dog and wanted a big, huge one when i buy my first house. So just a few short months after I bought my house, I adopted a pitbull/rottweiler mix. She is awesome. Her name is Madison and she puts up with so much neglect since having Elle and still loves her very much. The only thing is that she sheds so much and it's so fine and short AND the same color as my hardwood floors so you don't see that my floors are caked with fur all over. I just need to get over myself and not worry so much about cleanliness. That and that she steals food all the time and has a little food issue.

Madison is on vacation and will be back in a week. The inlaws took her to their summer home in the woods so I know she's having a blast. I hate to admit this but I'm kinda relieved to have a quiet house again. I mean I guess we never really had a quiet house but I don't feel guilty every moment of every day because I didn't take Madison to the park and am only playing with Elle. I miss her but I don't miss her. I'm so bad. She'll be here in a few days and I'll try to do better. I need to get my ass out of the house anyways and I'll walk her more often.


Tiffany said...

Sweetie I think that is normal! Madison is pretty cute that I've seen on the videos but I would go insane with pet hair around. (That and we really do have allergies, hence no pets).

I can only speak as a non-pet owner so some people may want to shoot me, but as amazing as pets are, they are still pets. Ella is your child and she comes first! A cat sneaking into the crib to sleep? That would put me over the edge. You have a right to be frustrated!