
Friday, May 23, 2008 | |

We met up again with the babies from our Bradley Class. This time a different mom hosted it and that was so much better than when I hosted it cuz there was no stress. Ahhhhh!

We got there a little late because everytime I have plans to go somewhere with Elle, she sleeps longer. It's almost foolproof! I have plans or I have guests who wants to see her; she sleeps forever. I have work to do around the house; she wakes up after a few minutes.

Elle is so independent when she's out and playing. She never checks in with me and does really well until I start eating. Then she makes a bee line towards me. It's kinda cute but sometimes when I'm really hungry, I just wish she'd keep playing. But she IS my child and apparently inherited my appetite. I hope she also inherited daddy's metabolism as well.

Of course there was a ton of toys to play with but she picked this cup. Why do we spend a penny buying toys when they are totally content with random things?


Steph said...

We have a toy area with HUNDREDS of dollars of toys.. maybe even over a thousand, and the boy plays with drawer handles, remotes, the phone.. you get the picture!!

Glad she had fun and you didnt have to stress

Anonymous said...

My daughters love playing w/ boxes. Sometimes more than the toy that's in them. Go figure! ;)

Elle is so darn cute!! I love her dimples and smile! :)