Reason #16949476 why the In laws will not be babysitting, EVER!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008 | |

They had our dog, Madison for a week and she came back with a broken leg. My dog who has the pain tolerance of 10 tigers can't stand on her hind legs.


Steph said...

OH NO!!! Im so sorry!

Anonymous said...

That SUCKS :( Poor Madison. I hope she heals quickly. GFY, ILs!!

p.s. Dude, I didn't know tigers had high pain tolerance.
That is so sweet.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure if tigers really have high pain thresholds, i'm just assumming they do :) :)

I'm so beyond pissed at my ILs. They did call and tell me but they told me she was limping. Limping and not being able to stand period is completely different.

Plus, they didn't tell me that she yelped when she fell. She never yelps, never. so if they had told me that, I wouldn't have stayed so calm.

Amy Anderson said...

Poor thing! Stupid IL's.

Jenn said...

Grrr...I'd be keeping my children home too.

Poor pup. I hope she heals quickly.

Stupid IL's!