Tooth #14

Thursday, December 18, 2008 | |

Eleanor's bottom right molar has cut through on Sunday. Again, on a Sunday. It's always been on a Sunday, isn't that weird? Anyways, she doesn't seem to be doing so bad, just her usual wild and demanding self. I just love looking at all her teeth because it's a sign of growth that I can see, you know what I mean? She's growing all the time but you don't really see it but the teeth, it's just fascinating!


Anonymous said...

I think you're so good for keeping track of her teeth coming in. ;)


Anonymous said...

Brain has all four of his molars, but he doesn't have his eye teeth yet. I keep checking to see if they are close to popping through and don't appear to be. So when Brain smiles big, you see gaps on the top and bottom. I wonder if that's common? Pinky's teeth came in order.