Abigail 100th Day

Monday, November 30, 2009 | |

Wow, I can't believe how fast my babies are growing. Yesterday was Abby's Baek-il and I decided only to have our immediate family over (read: my whole family and just A-man's parents :). Even having family it was still a crazy day. I ordered the rice cakes and apparently didn't specify that I wanted the traditional cake with the baek il spelled out so they had cut the cake into blocks when my mom picked it up. So I blew up at the thuck lady but at least I got all my frustration out on some poor lady instead of someone in my family. We improvised and my mom wrote it out on top with raisins and it turned out fine. I felt pretty bad going nuts over the phone but I was really stressed out. Everyone in my family came more than an hour late as usual so it pissed me off but I got over it soon. Although we just ate at party time with A-man's parents and my family all ate it cold. boo on them.
Abby stayed up for the whole party being past around from person to person but as usual, she didn't crab one bit and was the perfect party hostess.

p.s. I FINALLY got my computer to work with the internet so I'll try to blog more but we're also thinking of canceling again because comcast screwed us. we'll see.




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