Eleanor is teething big time! Her bottom molar started to cut on Sunday and by Thursday she was a miserable mess. She developed a low grade fever every time she was uncomfortable which freaked me out as a first time mom but I got it under control as soon as I realized she was going to be ok. She's much better today but it was not easy this week and that's all I'll say about that.
Came back to add that both her top canines are out too. It seems like she only starts teething on Sundays or is it that I am calm enough to notice. Whatever it is, she has 13 teeth as of today! Wow, please help me find a way to stop making my baby grow so fast!
I baked and baked all day Thursday to take to dinner. I didn't get nearly as much as I wanted done due to a cranky, CRANKY, baby but it all turned out just fine, not great, but fine.
Thanksgiving this year was pretty horrible in the sense that my mom was sick, baby was sick, my brother's family went to Disney land and therefore missing, and my cousin who was supposed to show with his new fiancee (whom we haven't met)didn't come because my aunt and uncle showed up and they are not speaking to each other. My other aunt and uncle who hosted the dinner and who hosts the dinner every year and their children didn't know much about this feud but I felt bad knowing it and kinda being in the middle since I asked them to be invited not knowing about my cousin's feud.
I went to a stable on Friday and found out that I am totally allergic to horses. I have never been allergic to anything in my life but as I grow older things are starting to bother me. Things that I normally love like animals and fruit. My favorite fruit of all time, peaches and last year it started to bother me and gave me an itchy throat. Now peaches and apples make my lips plump up and my throat itch like hell. And to add to the misery, after I left the stables, my throat almost completely closed up. My throat felt tighter and tighter and I couldn't speak or breathe very well. Scary stuff. Aging is awesome!
it's 3am and baby is up. A-man went in to take care of her but she's freaking out! Since Tuesday we've thrown the whole sleep ritual out the window because of her teething and fever that she was having as a result of it. Tonight was the first night back in her bedroom and back to A-man taking care of her at night and she doesn't like it one bit. She usually cries for a minute or less when he goes in but she's since she's used to me being there, she's crying a little longer and harder. We knew this would happen, at least I did. But at least she calmed down a bit. I'm going to give it 15 minutes before I go in. She's with her daddy but he doesn't have the goods like mommy does.
I'm doing another craft fair next weekend. I have a lot to do but again, I sit behind this computer thinking about having a lot to do instead of getting some work done. Why am I such a procrastinator? I lost most of my motivation in September when I was totally psyched for a craft fair and spent a ton of time getting ready for it only to be rained out and do very poorly in sales. I still have a lot of inventory from that fair so I don't necessarily have to make more items but I still have to tag and label them all and make 'em look presentable. I don't have the motivation right now.
She's still crying. Do I go in? um, A-man just let her out so I guess I don't have a choice..
So much to say
Sunday, November 30, 2008 | at 2:43 AM |
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I swear Korean families have all sort of drama and feuds in them. I know mine is like that.
I hated when we'd almost be in a good routine with Duk and then the whole teething or being sick thing just throws you off. Sigh. My heart really goes out to you. It will get better. Didn't know you'd have such a smarty pants child, did you?
Sorry Thanksgiving wasn't so great. Hopefully next year it'll be better with less drama.
I also got all kind of weird allergies as an adult. I was allergic to melons for awhile but now it has disappeared. Get yourself tested - it's important.
Ugh, sorry youre having to go throught his again. Just when the light starts shining through the clouds, another rain storm hits! Give it some time, it will get better. And I though you were over the whole craft fair thing! I will keep my fingers crossed for better weather this time.
Holy cow is that a lot lady! We never worry about sleep stuff when P is teething either. We have 3 coming in right now - and it's just all about making her comfortable. Poor babes!
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