Kids these days

Thursday, May 20, 2010 | |

During our trip to St. Louis, Eleanor did the cutest thing. One morning we were all hanging out in the living room while E was sleeping. When she woke up, she put on a whole new outfit (she was sleeping naked as usual), peed on the potty (I took one from home), and walked out into the living room and wished us all a good morning while holding the potty seat full of pee. Then I took her to the bathroom, she dumped her pee into the toilet and flushed. Awwwww, she's all grown up!!!

She starts day care tomorrow morning, just two mornings a week and I am excited but super nervous that she'll beat up a kid and be sent home. We went to orientation last week and she sat in class for over an hour and although she did cry for some reason, she did pretty well. So I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that she doesn't get frustrated or tired (which is when she goes ape shit) and behaves herself. Everyone tells me that they act differently when under different authority so we'll see what happens.

Abby started to crawl on Saturday (May 15th) during a friend's birthday party. She's been getting up on her hands and knees and rocking and taking one or two little movements but she full on crawled during the party. No army crawl, no dragging her knee, nothing! Just picture perfect crawl! She's also super good at picking up tiny bitty items with her fingers. Do I have another exceptionally motor skilled baby on my hands? Yikes!! I was hoping she would kinda be the clingy type. I know that's weird to want but having a toddler who won't take no for an answer and has no fear, I need Abby to stay by me so I don't have to chase two kids going opposite directions!

Abby also cut her two upper teeth this month. It's sad that I don't have exact dates like I did with E but that's what happens with the second child. I'm really going to do better about posting things. I've been doing it on facebook just so I have some kind of record but don't know if I'll ever go through it and actually document it all.


KP said...

How exciting about Eleanor starting school. She will do great! And Abby is sooo adorble!